I looked around the store and what I saw was not encouraging. There were rows and rows of violent toys, almost as if I had wandered into a store designed for the children of the old Dexter. There were swords, knives, light sabers, machine guns, bombs, pistols and rifles that shot plastic bullets and paintballs and Nerfs, rockets that blew up your friends or your friends' whole city - aisle after aisle of training devices for recreational slaughter. No wonder our world was such a mean and violent place - and no wonder the people like I had been. If we teach children that killing is fun, can we really be surprised if now and then someone is smart enough to learn?
Jeff Lindsay "Dexter is Delicious"
Täiesti tüüpiline vaade mänguasjapoes Tallinnas: tüdrukutele nukkude ja karvaste loomade virnade kõrval kokandus-, heegeldus-, kodundusnodi, poistele peale konstruktorite jms ränk valik erinevaid tapariistu. Eri suuruses püssid, granaadid, leegiheitjad... Jääb vaid küsimus, mis toimub selle riiuli ees seisva vanema peas, kes selle meetrise mängu-tulirelva ostmise kasuks otsustab.
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